Automatic alternation of right hand index and middle finger samples (can also be controlled using keyswitches).The automatic string selection is tailor-made to work well with every articulation. Use keyswitches to limit the string choice or to move the active playing position (placement of left hand).
Automatic string selection - play and the script selects the most suitable string for you.Each string is monophonic so new notes replace earlier notes, giving a perfectly realistic bass.All four strings sampled, more than 6000 samples and up to 4 velocity layers to capture the full timbre of the bass.A powerful user interface that pushes the Kontakt user interface to its limits: a fretboard display gives an overview of the playing position and for each string what fret and articulation (displayed as a unique symbol) that are used & dynamically updated as you play.Hammer-on & pull-offs are triggered by legato playing and fast grace notes by fast legato playing. Playable in real time - with the exception of cross hammering and trills all of the articulations in the list given further below can be triggered without the need for any keyswitches.